Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Cute little yoga bag that I made:

I made this bag from a free pattern available on Amy Butler's website. I lined it with pink flourishes. Super fun!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

So ... I've gotten on the re-usable grocery bags band-wagon. But I refuse to buy them from the store {isn't that just more consumerism?}. There's an excellent tutorial on craftster for making your own bags, using a plastic bag as your pattern. TUTORIAL. Here is one that I made:

I will be grocery shopping in style :-) Extra points for making a re-cycled out of an old t-shirt or doing a re-fashion with old clothes from Goodwill {or Deseret Industries, if you live in Utah!}

Sunday, May 04, 2008

"Sixty years ago, if I'd had the opportunity to lay out my life just the way I wanted it to happen - whatever I would have planned would have paled in comparison with what's actually happened. All I can say is, fortunately, I wasn't in control." -- Willie Nelson

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Here's a photo of the plants that I'm growing from seed! This is chives, cilantro, zucchini and green peppers.

I also did a quilt pattern on the top of my nightstand.

Here is a photo of my dresser. I papered it with Amy Butler paper.